Thursday, September 3, 2020
Personal Constructs Theory (PCT) Analysis
Individual Constructs Theory (PCT) Analysis Individual Constructs Theory †A Systematic Study Title/Abstract In this examination we expect to give an investigation of a subject’s issues utilizing the Personal Constructs Theory (PCT) recommended by Kelly. The subject is a multi year old female full time representative working in a similar organization as the analyst and has demonstrated no obstructions to interpreting. The subject’s issues with her connections have been resolved utilizing the Repertory matrix meeting and we talk about outcomes and give an examination of the discoveries following the meeting and information assortment. The meeting was done to distinguish components inside the client’s connections and all meeting confinements have been considered for the examination. We give an investigation of Personal Constructs Theory when all is said in done giving a short outline of its primary premises and standards and afterward proceed onward to its applications including the Grid talk with method on our customer. We talk about the outcomes and examine the discover ies in like manner. Presentation George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory (PCT) underlines that the world is ‘perceived’ by an individual as per the importance the individual applies to it and the individual has the opportunity to pick a significance as indicated by what the person in question needs (Kelly, 1955). In this way an individual has the opportunity to pick an importance as far as which he sees the world and can apply elective developments or implications to his past, present and future occasions. In this way an individual isn't a survivor of his occasions however can free himself from unsavory occasions by reevaluating and rethinking them. As indicated by Kelly (1955) PCT endeavors to clarify why a man does what he does and is a hypothesis about ‘how the human procedure streams, how it endeavors in new ways just as in old, and how it might set out just because to venture into the profundities of recently saw dimensions’ Kelly expresses that a ‘persons forms are mentally channelized by the manners by which he foresee the events’(1955). Here, the subject is the procedure and the individual is an acting life form who may require an outer power to start an occasion. The procedures incorporate those of self-definition and associations with others, and how we decipher occasions around us just as the occasions we see and jobs needing to be done (Kelly 1955). Kelly put together his hypothesis of PCT with respect to ‘man as the scientist’ model and the fundamental focuses were as per the following: the individual makes their own particular manners of seeing the world and deciphers occasions as per how he see them the individual forms percepts and builds; these builds are sorted out into frameworks, or gathering of develops which exemplify connections; at least two frameworks may contain similar occasions, yet the occasions are discrete from any of the frameworks; any individual’s frameworks have an unequivocal foci The term build is an idea that speaks to the view an individual has built about the world as he encounters it. Develops additionally speak to the manner in which an individual is probably going to translate the world and the build framework in general speaks to the history and inclination to see the world with a certain goal in mind. Kelly likewise recognized social reality, singular reality and collection. Distinction indicates that each individual vary from one another by they way they develop or see the world, collection alludes to the basic similitudes or normal components in observation and how the development of involvement with one individual is like that of another (Kelly, 1955). Social the truth is view of how one individual understands the development procedures of someone else and how they are associated with a social job. Individual build hypothesis has been utilized in a few sociological and logical orders and it has been accentuated that social reality and commonness ought to be considered alongside the individual or individual reality and both must be viewed as together in building up a comprehension of the mental procedures (Dalton, 1992). The hypothesis of Personal Constructs, calls attention to that it is our own mental builds that make the world unsurprising. We use build frameworks to help in view of the world and react to all circumstances as per these recognitions. Our build frameworks help us to understand the world, to make it unsurprising, to make inferences about circumstances and end results and we gain from encounters and change our conduct in like manner (Fransella, 1995). Kelly composed that the build frameworks impact our desires and recognitions and mirror our past encounters as indicated by which we shape our future desires. For instance since we known from our past encounters that winters are cold, we would take sufficient proportions of insurance during winter since we anticipate that winters should be cold. Anyway as per Kelly, our develop frameworks develop and change and are not static and are either affirmed or tested when we are cognizant. We adjust and inoculate our builds as indicated by the circumstance and change our emotions as per our encounters. We likewise will in general think and respond as per our build frameworks and a few develops speak to qualities and key connections which are hard to change and fixed while some different builds are not so much intricate but rather more adaptable and versatile. Reality with regards to the world as comprehended and experienced decides the idea of the build framework. Develop frameworks are not commonly decided by any target truth and rely upon an individual’s individual emotions, recognitions and decisions (Dalton, 1992). One individual’s build framework might be not quite the same as another’s and when there is a general difference in develops, it is for the most part indicated by bias or previously established in clination. Despite the fact that contentions and contrasts of feelings are horrendous, these occasions help us to comprehend contrasts in individuals and help us to figure out how others see things (Stevens, 1996). Anyway develop frameworks change and may not be inside and out inside predictable. Individuals may respond or see things diversely even in comparable conditions and this is ordinary as there is a sure level of inner irregularity in impression of occasions. Bends of judgment because of interior irregularity of individual develops can be destructive for an individual as he may experience the ill effects of individual trouble. The degree to which one individual can acknowledge and respond to another person’s builds is a proportion of sympathy or how one sees another (Banister, 1985). One person’s build framework might be particularly not quite the same as another person’s develops yet one ought to have the option to gather the different person’s b uild so as to understand build up a feeling of social unity and obligation. Kelly’s hypothesis is one of the best speculations in social exploration and assists with giving a mental clarification of social likenesses and contrasts. The utilizations of Kelly’s hypothesis of Personal builds are wide and fluctuated as it assists with giving scientific portrayals of develops frameworks. Build frameworks are multidimensional scientific models and a person’s language is utilized to order their encounters. Kelly built up various scientific models and portrayals of develop frameworks and tried speculations that followed from essential individual build hypothesis (Fransella and Banister, 1977). To comprehend people’s individual build frameworks the repertory Grid Interview method was grown, otherwise called the Role Construct Repertory Test. The collection of builds that an individual creates speaks to some type of observation, judgment or assessment and is consistently relative. In this manner judgment of anything great is in correlation with the idea of terrible. In this manner in utilizing a Grid talk with three components are thought of and afterward two are matched conversely with a third. The hypothesis of individual builds can be applied to individual encounters and connections thus guardians, relations, companions, partners and the individual are to a great extent liable for the development of develops (Smith et al, 1995; Kalekin-Fishman et al, 1996). Kelly evoked a patient’s develops, evaluated the various components on the builds and utilized the resultant matrix to call attention to the customer what his essential issues or concerns were. This assisted with choosing which treatment would be significant and assisted with deciding the advancement and adequacy of treatment. For instance one could locate the two components in an individual relationship of a patient and his mom and utilize this strategy to discover contrasts between a patient’s view of himself and what his mom might want him to be. The patient would then be urged to give a self portrayal and work through methods for making his relationship with his mom increasingly lovely and beneficial. In the event that there are suspicious components perceived in a patient’s impression of himself or his connections, proper restorative intercessions are proposed. The Repertory Grid talking with strategy was created by Kelly to beat a portion of the methodological confinements of the meeting technique. The principle steps of the Grid method incorporate Choosing a lot of components †this could be anything from connections to issues and the components could be individuals associated with these associations with the customer. The components are taken in gatherings of three and the customer is solicited to match two from them isolating the third as per an extraordinary trademark (Adams-Webber, 1983). Therefore here the separation is finished by builds dictated by the customer and is done on a bipolar scale with the questioner setting up the inquiry however the customer deciding the substance (Anderson, 1987). The develops are analyzed in some detail and after the meeting the constru
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Aristotle Vs. Plato
Presentation The Chinese transformation of 1949 was one of the most earth shattering occasions of this century. The old request, overwhelmed by warlords, police fear and the competitions of Western and Japanese colonialists, was toppled by a millions-in number worker armed force. For a fourth of mankind, the way appeared to be available to destroy the underlying foundations of neediness, wretchedness and starvation, and construct a superior society. â€Å"The Chinese individuals have stood up†, announced Mao Zedong at the official establishing of People’s China †and millions around the globe trusted him. The effect of the Chinese experience was to be significantly more grounded in the political blast of the late 1960s. As understudies and laborers over the industrialized world moved into fight against their decision classes, numerous communists sought China for motivation. Mao’s resistance to both American and Russian colonialism, and his proclaimed help for national freedom developments, appeared to put him on their side of the blockades. What's more, the Cultural Revolution appeared to be verification that a communist society could spare itself from administration through a consistent procedure of battle. Not many communists today seek China for motivation. The hallucinations of â€Å"Maoism†have been broken by Mao’s replacements, who have deliberately jettisoned everything that was particular about Mao’s procedure for monetary turn of events. â€Å"Self-reliance†has gone, to be supplanted by â€Å"market socialism†. The Cultural Revolution is presently †appropriately †depicted as a significant catastrophe. Furthermore, China’s new rulers have conceded that the economy must be modernized by its combination into the world economy. China has become some portion of the world framework it once appeared to need to oust. However at base Mao and his replacements had a similar point †to manufacture a ground-breaking economy which could rival the remainder of the world. The requirements and desires of Chinese laborers and workers have consistently been subjected to that point. The â€Å"socialist... Free Essays on Aristotle Vs. Plato Free Essays on Aristotle Vs. Plato Presentation The Chinese transformation of 1949 was one of the most earth shattering occasions of this century. The old request, overwhelmed by warlords, police dread and the competitions of Western and Japanese colonialists, was ousted by a millions-in number laborer armed force. For a fourth of humankind, the way appeared to be available to destroy the underlying foundations of neediness, hopelessness and starvation, and construct a superior society. â€Å"The Chinese individuals have stood up†, announced Mao Zedong at the official establishing of People’s China †and millions around the globe trusted him. The effect of the Chinese experience was to be considerably more grounded in the political blast of the late 1960s. As understudies and laborers over the industrialized world moved into fight against their decision classes, numerous communists sought China for motivation. Mao’s restriction to both American and Russian dominion, and his pronounced help for national freedom developments, appeared to put him on their side of the blockades. Furthermore, the Cultural Revolution appeared to be confirmation that a communist society could spare itself from administration through a steady procedure of battle. Hardly any communists today seek China for motivation. The figments of â€Å"Maoism†have been broken by Mao’s replacements, who have deliberately jettisoned everything that was unmistakable about Mao’s procedure for monetary turn of events. â€Å"Self-reliance†has gone, to be supplanted by â€Å"market socialism†. The Cultural Revolution is presently †appropriately †portrayed as a significant fiasco. Also, China’s new rulers have conceded that the economy must be modernized by its mix into the world economy. China has become some portion of the world framework it once appeared to need to oust. However at base Mao and his replacements had a similar point †to construct an amazing economy which could rival the remainder of the world. The requirements and desires of Chinese specialists and workers have consistently been subjected to that point. The â€Å"socialist...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Is Social Networking a Problem Rather Than a Unique Benefit Offered to Essay
Is Social Networking a Problem Rather Than a Unique Benefit Offered to Online Users - Essay Example The paper tells that ongoing advances in person to person communication have transformed interpersonal organizations into an exceptional instrument of training and medicinal services. At no other time had clinical and instruction experts been so cutting-edge and prepared as far as PC advancements. For whatever length of time that person to person communication empowers correspondence and advances nonstop augmenting of social gets in touch with, it very well may be generally applied in all fields of human working. In one of their as of late distributed articles, Conole and Culver portrayed the manner in which long range interpersonal communication could be utilized in learning structure. The crucial standards of Web 2.0 and distributed computing show extraordinary learning possibilities. Long range interpersonal communication has demonstrated to serve the requirements of instructional originators and educators, by making an environment of socialization and intuitiveness in the investi gation and plan of new learning structures. As a matter of fact, distributed computing is one of the latest and promising patterns influencing informal communication. In light of the standards of aggregate insight and client produced content, present-day informal organizations favor availability and even make a virtual social reality wherein billions of clients around the globe convey and live. Another ongoing accomplishment in the long range interpersonal communication field is the improvement of person to person communication applications for the social insurance industry. Once more, Web 2.0 innovations drive the rise of new mechanical arrangements and stages. Eysenbach depicts Web 2.0 applications that encourage person to person communication, apomediation, investment, joint effort and transparency among clinical experts. Long range interpersonal communication has gotten so well known in medication that the Journal of Medical Internet Research distributes ordinary Web 2.0 subject issues. However, it is reasonable for state that, in spite of the developing unpredictability of long range informal communication highlights, they don't cross the limits of distributed computing and Web 2.0. Everything new that has been made in the informal communication field in the previous years is straightforwardly connected to the standards of Web 2.0. The last turned into a genuine upset in PC sciences, yet it is the ideal opportunity for interpersonal organization engineers to move onto another quality degree of joint effort and systems administration execution. Interpersonal organizations have extensive favorable circumstances, yet they additionally show genuine shortcomings. Security is at the core of most, if not all, issues related with the turn of events and usage of informal organizations. It is a protection mystery that permits clients to save their obscurity and, at the same time, makes it simpler for them to screen other users’ movement. Informal communities make a dream of mystery, urging clients to share their most private considerations and concerns on the web.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Ednas Swim The First Step in Her Awakening - Literature Essay Samples
The central conflict in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is the self-discovery, or â€Å"awakening,†of the protagonist, Edna Pontellier. Throughout the course of the novel she transforms from the bored, submissive wife of Là ¨once Pontellier to a vibrant, independent woman with a powerful will of her own. The episode that launches Edna’s awakening is her learning to swim. Edna’s swim is a fresh and exciting experience for her and stimulates feelings of realization. Chopin’s description of the event is a metaphor for Edna’s awakening as well as a foreshadowing of the consequences of her self-discovery. Edna’s learning to swim is such an important event in the novel because she has accomplished something without outside help and solely for her own enjoyment. The observers of the phenomenon are surprised at the event; it was an â€Å"unlooked-for achievement,†and â€Å"the subject of wonder,†indicating that Edna’s fami ly and friends underestimate her (p.27). Each of Edna’s friends who in the past had attempted to instruct her â€Å"congratulated himself that his special teachings had accomplished this desired end†(p.27). The other characters cannot accept that Edna has achieved something on her own; therefore, they attempt to give credit to themselves for the accomplishment. The episode in the sea excites Edna and gives her a sense of power that is absent from her everyday life. The swim incites in Edna â€Å"a feeling of exultation,†causing her to grow â€Å"daring and reckless†and to feel â€Å"intoxicated†(p.27). These are emotions which she does not usually experience, and which would not be considered appropriate for a woman of her status to be feeling. In addition to these thrilling sensations Edna also feels empowered. Her â€Å"newly conquered†skill causes Edna to feel â€Å"as if some power of significant import had been given her soul†(p.27) While this passage marks the first step of Edna’s awakening, it also serves as a metaphor for the various stages that she goes through during her transformation. When Edna laments the time she has lost â€Å"splashing about like a baby!†she may also be lamenting the years she has lost leading the dull life of a bored, submissive wife; the years lost sleeping before her â€Å"awakening.†Next, Edna turns â€Å"her face seaward,†a metaphor for her turning to face her future (p.28). The â€Å"vast expanse of water†represents the endless possibilities Edna now sees in her life (p.28). Edna swims and reaches out for â€Å"the unlimited,†just as she will do in her everyday life from this point onward (p.28). At the conclusion of her swim, Edna’s adventure suddenly becomes frightening. Having overestimated her strength, Edna grows tired and â€Å"[A] quick vision of death smote her soul†(p.28). This image foreshadows Ed na’s eventual suicide by drowning at the end of the novel as the final step of her awakening.While the implications of Edna’s accomplishment are for the most part positive, Chopin suffuses this passage with references to the unfortunate solitude which will result from her self-discovery. The author says that Edna wants to swim â€Å"where no woman had swum before†(p.27). This desire shows Edna’s need to be different from the other women around her; she is no longer content to be only a mother and wifeâ€â€she wants to be a woman first. She faces away from the beach in order to feel more alone and swims out in an attempt to â€Å"lose herself,†another hint at her imminent suicide (p.28). Even at this stage in her awakening, Edna is beginning to feel isolated from her friends. She looks back at the shore at â€Å"the people she had left there†(p.28). The water is â€Å"a barrier which her unaided strength would never be able to overcome .†Edna’s friends do not understand her need to be more than simply a mother and a wife; Madame Ratignolle and the other Creole women are content to devote themselves entirely to their children and husbands. Edna is absolutely alone in her awakening and, once it has begun, she will never again be satisfied with her previous existence.Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is a novel about a woman’s self-discovery. In the passage describing Edna’s swim Chopin describes Edna’s feelings as she learns to swim and deftly reveals her frustrations with her current situation. Edna feels empowered by her newfound-skill and thus is launched on her path to her self-discovery. Chopin uses metaphors and descriptive language to foreshadow the consequences, both negative and positive, of Edna’s first step in her awakening.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Brief Note On The Red Cross Health Services - 876 Words
â€Å"Is is really a great pleasure to work and know that I made a difference in someone s life,†Kari Wheeling said. She is the Oahu Red Cross Health Services Lead, which means that she volunteers as a registered nurse (RN) with the Red Cross. The volunteer nurses of the Red Cross get involved in time of a disaster. The most typical assignment is to respond to house fires. â€Å"We help the families to recover any medications that they ve lost or any medical equipment. It could be a wheelchair, a walker, a cane, glasses, dentures or anything in that nature. We try to get the family back on its feet and receiving the medications it needs,†Wheeling said. The main reason why Wheeling like the work so much is that she enjoys working with the community, and this way she gets to combine her medical experience with public health. â€Å"It really does impact the lives of these families that we work with. They are so appreciative that they have someone that they can call, someone that they can talk to in that time of need. Just being able to interact in a very short period of time with that family makes a huge difference in their lives. It provides such a joy and gratitude within myself that I m able to help a family and they re able to move on. They can get past this disaster without having it consume their lives,†she said. Without the health service volunteers it would be harder for victims to get back to their normal lives after for example a house fire. When Wheeling or one of theShow MoreRelated Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Essay1633 Words  | 7 Pagestoo often, and when they do, they dont last very long. However, the United States Health and Human Services Department (1998) estimates there is about 3.2 million Americans that suffer from a psychological anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism, Ignorance, And Discrimination - 1143 Words
When I was eight years old, I had a firsthand experience of racism that to this day gives me a grotesque feeling. A drunk man came up to my family and proceeded to shout derogative words at us. He yelled at us to â€Å"Go back your country you terrorist†. He commenced to say other things, yet what caught my attention was that he thought that we were Muslims. Another encounter with this man lead to him telling his son that â€Å"we are not of his kind and he should not play with us†. When we are children a majority of us are taught to respect other races and cultures. In school, we are taught that diversity is a superb thing that makes us cultured. Children have a naà ¯ve nature that protects them from all the animosity set by our society. We are all granted the same privilege in this country, nevertheless there are still people that are blinded by ignorance. The only way to combat ignorance of supremacy is to educate children about the past, and have diverse school set tings. Compellingly, in practically all schools the topic of racism is notably prevalent. They begin to teach kids not to believe that they are superior to other people and that they are the same regardless of race. As kids move on to the higher grades, schools begin to implore the use of graphic images of racism to absolutely ingrain it in their minds of the horror of it. Morris describes graphic images such as â€Å"pictures of black babies, naked and crying and left out in the elements. The title at the bottom of theShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination Against Minorities And Immigrants1090 Words  | 5 PagesOthers come alone with nothing but determination. Racial discrimination against minorities and immigrants is an underlying problem here in America today. Racism is seen in our daily lives when people are discriminated against because of their race and ethnicity. Racism attacks the right to a person’s well-being on the basis of something they have no control over. 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Meanwhile, Bob Dylan’s protest song Hu rricane tells the story of the imprisonment of celebrated boxer Rubin â€Å"Hurricane†Carter, who was falsely accused of a triple murder in New Jersey, America during the mid 1960s. The song lyric explores themes of injustice, racism and discrimination, enlightening listeners about the corruption that swarmed the democratic American legal systemRead MoreWhat Does Racism Actually Mean? Essay1050 Words  | 5 PagesNo one is born racist! Racism is something learned. We aren’t necessarily taught to discriminate, however naively we learn that there are different kinds of people. By no means am I saying that all people are racist or that everyone has the same beliefs. It’s just that the older we get we come to learn that even if we don’t agree with racism it’s a very big issue around the world. My question is â€Å"what does racism actually mean?†While some believe that superiority, whiteness, and overall white supremacy
Magnesium Essay Paper Example For Students
Magnesium Essay Paper Magnesium is one of the alkaline-earth metals of main group IIa in the periodic table. Magnesium is a grayish-white metal. Normally magnesium is covered with a layer of oxide, MgO,that protects magnesium from air and water. Magnesium is an important element for plant andanimal life. Chlorophylls depend greatly on it.Sir Humphrey Davy discovered magnesium in 1775at England. It was dicovered when he evaporated magnesium amalgam by mixing a moistmagnesia and mercuric oxide. The meaning of the name comes from a Greek word Magnesia. Properties of pure magnesium:Atomic number 12Atomic mass 24.31 Colour Silvery grey metal Density1.738 -3 at 20C 1.58 at 650RC (1) Melting point 650C Boiling point 1103C Crystal structure close-packed hexagonal Heat of combustion25020 -1 Flame temperature~2800C Heat of fusion368 Heat of vaporisation5272 Specific heat1025 J.K at 20C Vapour pressure 20 Pa at 527C(s) 360 Pa at 650C (1) 1400 Pa at 727C Valence statesMg2+ Viscosity 1.25 cp at 650C (1) The magnesium element has the atomic number of 12 and atomic weight of 24.3050. Itssymbol is Mg. The group number that mg is in is group 2a. Its electronic configuration ofNe.3 s2. Physical dataStandard state: solid at 298 KColour: silvery whiteDensity of solid at ambient temperature/kg m-3: 1738Molar volume/cm3: 14.00 Table on isotopes:Nominal mass Accurate mass%natural abundance 24Mg23.9850423 (8)78.99 (3)25Mg24.9858374 (8)10.00 (1)26Mg25.9825937 (8)11.01 (2)Magnesium is the 6th most abundant element metal on the surface of the earth at about 2.5%of its composition. Sea water contains 0.13% Mg and some facilities use the magnesium for theproduction of magnesium metal. This happens when the precipitation of other salts leave amagnesium-rich brine. Other sources are dolomite ((CaMg)CO3) and magnesite (MgCO3). Magnesite also produces magnesium oxide which are used for the making of refractories. Magnesium oxide, MgO, is the second most common compounds in the earths crust, secondonly to silicon dioxide, or beach sand. In seawater, the magnesium compound is magnesiumchloride, MgCl2. The chloride is taken from seawater and is used in the electrolysis process tomanufacture magnesium metal. When seawater is not available, magesium can be found fromminerals such as dolomite (CaCO3.MgCO3) and carnallite (KCl.MgCl2.6H2O). Magnesium is an active metal. Magnesium burns easily in air, making a bright white light. Magnesium is an important element for improving the working characteristics of aluminum andzinc. It makes them easier to roll and machine. Magnesium is also flammable at temperaturescharacteristic of burning gasoline so its use as a structural metal is limited. Insoluble magnesiumcarbonate and magnesium sulfate, together with insoluble calcium compounds occur in hardwater. These compounds are observed as scales in pipes and boilers. However, magnesium is animportant catalyst in organic reactions. Magnesium compunds include: magnesium chloride, MgCl2, which is used in the preparation of cotton fabrics.-magnesium bicarbonate, Mg(HCO3)2, which is produced in solution when water containingcarbon dioxide dissolves magnesium carbonate. It is a cause of hardness in water. -magnesium oxide, MgO, which is used for as lining for glass. -magnesium peroxide, Mg2O2, which is used as a bleach for dyes and silks. Electron Configuration:
Monday, April 20, 2020
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Essay Example
Trauma, Development, and Spirituality Paper Spiritual development and the counter effects it as on trauma will also be discussed. To conclude, this paper will provide suggestions for future research relating to physical health and nutrition and the positive effects they have on a childs mental health and overall well- being. Trauma and the Effects on Neural Development Children exposed to trauma may experience attachment issues or unpredictable emotions, which include flashbacks, strained relationships, physical symptoms such as nausea, headaches, depression or anxiety (American Psychological Association, 2015). When children are exposed to constant conflict or stress it can affect their growth and development significantly. High conflict marriages, families living in poverty or children dealing with the divorce of their parents can create very stressful environments. According to Amatol et al. (2000), empirical research confirms that children of divorce are at an increased risk for the development of psychological, behavioral and academic problems (as cited in Connelly Green, 2009). Children from high conflict divorce often fare worse compared to children whose parents have a more amicable divorce (Brooks, 2014). Constant conflict and high levels of stress increase stress hormones which reverts the child from having the capability of calming themselves down. Parents who are incapable and unwilling to get along are engaged in a relationship that can be very alluring and seductive. While this type Of relationship remains dysfunctional it still keeps the couple connected. Because of the alluring nature many parents continue to engage in high conflict relationships and as a result children face devastating developmental consequences that affect their overall well-being. We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trauma, Development, and Spirituality specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Developmental Delays Following Trauma Many children in the United States grow up in households where psychological maltreatment is ever present. Feldman (2014) states that psychological maltreatment occurs when parents or other caregivers harm childrens behavioral, cognitive, emotional, or physical functioning (p. 257). For many children this form of maltreatment has been associated with low self-esteem, lying, misbehaver and underachievement in school (Feldman, 2014). Additionally, the brain of the child endures permanent changes due to abuse and neglect. Feldman (2014) provides the following information on childhood maltreatment and abuse: Childhood maltreatment can lead to reductions in the size of the magical and hippopotamus in adulthood. The stress, fear, and terror produced by abuse may also produce permanent changes in the brain due to overpopulation of the limbic system. The limbic system is involved in regulating memory and emotion. When the limbic system is overestimated it can cause the child to experience antisocial behavior in adulthood (p. 257). The developmental delays that may occur due to trauma prove detrimental to a childs development. Resilience training is very beneficial when caring for a child who has suffered a traumatic event. Resilience is the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high sis for psychological or physical damage (Feldman, 2014, p. 258). Traumatic events are unavoidable and everyone will experience at least some form of trauma in their lifetime. The importance of resilience cannot be overlooked, it is a powerful tool that can be used to reverse the negative effects of trauma. Trauma and the Variation between Cultures Trauma varies among cultures. Children who are born and raised in war torn countries experience very different levels of trauma compared to children who are not exposed to war. Coleridge (2001 ) provides the following: Afghanistan refugee children experience war, murder of parents, arid labor and marriages at an early age (as cited in Streetwalker Hoot, 2008). The consequences of war are real and for many young people these legacies remain just below the surface and find expression in depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (Burry Hayward, 2013). Burry Hayward (2013) also state that, resilience of the Afghanistan people is remarkable, with their ability to rebound in the face of tragedies, to move forward in life and to make the best of their situations (p. 3). Children who are raised in countr ies that are devastated by war are exposed to many horrifying crimes against humanity. The resilient nature of these children set them apart from other children. The desire to survive is so powerful that they continue to live even in the face of war and terror. Spiritual Development and the Counter Effects on Trauma Relationship, Absent;King, Wagoner, Benson (2006) state the following: Spirituality and religion may serve a particular protective function when the family faces significant adversity, such as poverty, chronic health problems in a family member, the death of a family member, or other traumatic experiences. In times of difficulty, turmoil, or crisis, religious practices and levels can provide intrinsic benefits as well as enhance the support available to the family (p. 359). Dry. Brooks explains in her video that faith and spirituality can be used to calm the nervous system during times of stress. She refers to this part of the brain as the God part of the brain (Brooks, 2014). God created us to worship and to seek Him. Therefore, the brain releases a calming sense when one becomes connected with Him through worship and prayer. Relationship et al. (2006) states, the sense that a divine power can work through ones own and others prayers adds a unique element of comfort not mound in nonstructural sources of social support (p. 359). Spiritual development is a crucial component that can be used to help children overcome traumatic events. Spirituality benefits our life emotionally, physically and gives a person sense Of purpose (Dangle Sings, 2012). Conclusion The devastating effects of childhood trauma often leads to psychological disorders. The use of antidepressant drugs has become a popular treatment for a variety of childhood psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety (Feldman, 2014, p. 281). These types of medications are being prescribed for young people at an alarming rate. More than 10 million prescriptions are written annually for children under the age of eighteen (p. 281 Advocates for the use of these drugs stand behind them because they are found to treat psychological disorders quit e well. However, the long term side effects need to be researched further. There is some evidence linking the use Of antidepressant medication with an increased risk of suicides? (Feldman, 2014, p. 281). While the drugs are effective at masking the symptoms of depression and anxiety, one easily becomes dependent on them. Research could benefit by switching focus from pharmaceutical options and move to a more organic approach to healing. Longitudinal studies over many years in Guatemalan villages show that childrens nutritional backgrounds are related to several dimensions of social and emotional functioning (Feldman, 2014, p. 276). Children who received more nutrients were more involved with their peers, showed more positive emotion, and had less anxiety than their peers who had received less adequate nutrients (p. 276). Children growing up in the United States are exposed to many toxins in their environments. The meals consumed by many American families consist of processed nutrient deprived foods. School lunch programs have also failed to meet the nutritional needs Of students. Physical education and time for play during recess has decreased allowing additional concentration on academic achievement. All these factors play into the healthy development in children. Our bodies are being deprived the nutrients God intended for all of us to have in order to live healthy lives. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and filled with love (Ephesians 4:16). Further research is needed on the importance of nutrition and physical health during childhood especially relating to children who are suffering from psychological disorders.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
No Pets Allowed! Professor Ramos Blog
No Pets Allowed! Lisa Towell has been a volunteer at her local pet shelter and tells a story about what happened to an animal which the owner surrenders to them. â€Å"I remember one handsome, friendly black-and-white tuxedo cat who was dropped off at the shelter a while ago. We had lots of other cats available, and the tuxedo cat wasn’t adopted quickly. He handled his new world very well at first, but as the weeks turned into months, he became irritable and unhappy. Eventually, the shelter staff made the difficult but humane decision to end his suffering by euthanizing (to death humanely). He was just 5 years old†(Towell). No Pets allowed! This event is the worst and common to see while looking for a new place to move into. Driving around and you see starving scared stray dogs and cats on the streets, and why is that? That is because approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter the U.S. animal shelters nationwide yearly ( This event could be for many reasons but one of reasons is abandonment. One way that we can fix that is by more landlords letting renters have animals, and landlords don’t like pets for these reasons. They can cause damage to the property, animals being snuck in, and animals cause liability. Pets for landlords can benefit landlords also by making them more money. Many animals can cause from little to major damage to a property. They do this by going to the bathroom inside, chewing on things, and scratching and shedding. landlord will continuously have to replace carpet and furniture especially if the tenant has a miss behaved dog. This event can be fixed by having pet rent, and a deposit for the future cost. Also, the landlord can limit the sizes of the dog to smaller dogs. This event would lessen the damage if there is any. According to AAOA (American Apartment Owner Association) constant problem landlords face is tenants who sneak in their pets. The Balance Small Business says â€Å"if you allow pets, it will decrease the chances of tenants trying to sneak in pets that you have not approved (Eberlin). Also, you could state on the lease agreement if an unexpected pet is found the violator will be charged a fee plus pet rent from the beginnings of their contract. Some dogs can be aggressive or vicious by nature and landlords are afraid of being held liable. If you are a landlord to lessen the chance of that happening, you can restrict the breeds and avoid the more well-known aggressive or vicious breeds. However, the landlord’s liability is limited. According to Nolo’s legal encyclopedia, â€Å"in general courts hold a landlord liable only if the landlord knew the dog was dangerous and could have had the dog removed; or harbored or kept the tenants dog- that is, cared for or had some control over the dog†(Randolph). If you are worried that a dog might be a problem for you, landlords could ask that the owner would produce of go get a Canine Good Citizen title. According to AKC (American Kennel Club) a Canine Good Citizen â€Å"is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community†(AKC). With the restriction on breeds, limited liability, and the Canine Good Citizen landlords should have a pi ece of mind. All worries you might have can be fixed and maintained, but allowing these animals open up the opportunity’s for landlords to make much more money. By allowing animals to your renters opens up a mass pool of candidates. â€Å"that almost 50% of renters own a pet. Therefore, if you make your property pet-friendly tenant as you will have a larger group to choose from†(Eberlin). More tenant options make it more likely for you to lease units much faster. For example, â€Å"David Last, a property manager, developer, and the founder of Last 2 Development, also in Boston, agrees and offers this example, â€Å"If you have 30 units that you can lease even 10 days faster by allowing pets, that’s the equivalent of an additional 300 days of rent. Assuming the average monthly rent is $2,000 per unit, that’s about $20,000 of extra (annual) income†(Gallant). Pet owners make more money and are better tenants. â€Å"According to Practical Apartment Management, b y Edward N Kelly, 65% of pet owners earn over $50,000 a year†(Eberlin). Responsible Pet owners are more responsible because if they are able to take care of a pet they are able to be more responsible about what they are renting. Pet owners tend to stay longer with their lease. This event is because it is harder for them to find a pet friendly place. Because there are fewer pet friendly places landlords can get away with charging a little more for rent if you allow pets. If we bring down the wall of fear that landlords have about pets on how they can cause damage to the property, animals being snuck in, and animals cause liability we can decree the chances of animals being abandoned on the streets or being put into shelters. And we knock down that wall by making the pet having tenants have a pet deposit and pet rent, not harboring known aggressive animals, and have a pet policies and restrictions in place for animals. By doing this, we can save an animal’s life because â€Å"each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats)†(ASPCA), and avoid the pain of family’s separation from their pets. â€Å"6 Reasons to Allow or Not Allow Pets.†AAOA, 18 Jan. 2016, Eberlin, Erin. â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Renting to Tenants Who Have Pets.†The Balance Small Business, The Balance Small Business, 30 May 2019, Kriss, Randa. â€Å"What Is Canine Good Citizen?†American Kennel Club, 26 Oct. 2017, â€Å"Make Your Rental Properties Pet-Friendly.†Buildium, 4 Mar. 2019, â€Å"Pet Statistics.†ASPCA, Randolph, Mary, and J.d. â€Å"Landlord Liability for Tenants Dogs.†, Nolo, 23 June 2014, Towell, Lisa. â€Å"Why People Abandon Animals.†PETA Prime, 20 Sept. 2018,
Friday, February 28, 2020
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6
Strategic management - Essay Example After enumerating the internal and external business affairs of Lego, the essay emphasizes the drawbacks of the company and finds ways through which it may overcome its negativities. 1. Which stage of the industry life cycle is the Toy industry in? How has that affected Lego’s ability to gain market share? This is the period of globalization and liberalization when almost all the industries in the market are booming. International trade is at its zenith, when most of the business firms are enjoying the benefits of the growing market. Consumerism has become the catchphrase of the world economy in 21st century. Income levels of the developed economies are augmenting and the developing economies are emerging with high growth rates. At this stage per capita income levels of almost all the open economies in the world are improving. With the improvements in standard of living, the aggregate demand for luxuries and comforts has enhanced. Life cycle models are not only common to the l iving beings but also associate with industries. Even an industry begins, grows, becomes mature and finally collapse with time. This is not because an industry has life but because an industry’s existence depends on the consumers whose taste and preference changes with time. The toy industry is at its peak of life cycle, where more than thousand companies operate in the industry with high turnovers and revenues. In United States the industry generates high revenue of about $20 billion (Little & King Co., 2010). Top popular toy companies are Lego, Mattle, Hasbro etc. A big segment of the industry comprises of the game making companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. This industry manufactures a wide variety of toys like non-electric toys, children vehicles, preschool toys, stuffed animals, art & crafts, dolls etc. Toys are not only sources of entertainment for the children but also serve as basic academic tools to develop memory skills in them. Lego is a popular toy manufac turing company in Denmark, the headquarters of the company is in Billund. The company mainly engages in the manufacture of construction toys. The Lego bricks are generally colourful and can be used to make various types of toy cars or buildings. The growth of the toy industry has generated several positive externalities for Lego. The Lego group has exhibited unremitting growth since the last few years and the rates of growth have always been in double digits. The world’s best market for Lego bricks is U.S. Lego toys are marketed in more than 130 countries in the world. The company has a club of its loyal customers that comprises almost 4.2 million members. Today it can be hypothesized that on an average each individual in earth has approximately 80 Lego bricks to play with. Over the years more than 600 billion Lego elements have been manufactured (Lego, 2012). Figure 1: Lego House (Source: Lego, 2012) Producing bright and colourful bricks as toys, Lego have introduced a revol utionary change in the world of toys, where children may explore their creativity. The main driving force of the company is to encourage creative opportunities for all children.  â€Å"Our idea is to create a toy that prepares the child for life, appeals to the imagination and develops the creative urge and joy of creation that are the driving force in every human being†. The demand for Lego toys is increasing with time; accordingly the quantity of toy manufactured is also increasing. Figure 2: Experience
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Perception and Individual Decision-Making & Motivation Concepts Essay
Perception and Individual Decision-Making & Motivation Concepts - Essay Example Employee attitudes can be influenced by various issues and the worst among them is racial background. Racialism as a source of employee attitude leads to the development of negative attitudes among employees. Normally, the attitudes of employees of an organization affects the organization in various ways. First, it affects their own productivity, often without their awareness. Reisig and Lovrichh (1998) explains that positive attitudes result to improved productivity and such employees are characterized by self-motivation, hard work, drive to achieve, good moods and happy faces to all. On the other hand, negative attitudes lead to reduced productivity both for individuals and teams, rudeness and even aggressiveness. Ray (2001) explains that employee attitudes can be very infectious. Within a short time, other employees can pick up negative attitudes from fellow workers and adopt them as their own. Team spirit is very important for the success of an organization and where group att itudes arise, they can either foster or frustrate this. A positive team attitude makes employees to want to works together for the good of the company whereas a negative attitude discourages team work. Employees of one race, tribe or any other dividing factor will not be willing to work together with their counterparts. One type of organization that can really be affected by poor attitudes among its staff is prison. Poor attitudes among correctional staff in a state prison could affect other aspects of that prison like its security, management of inmates, designing of teams for employee shifts and coexistence among inmates. The development of poor attitudes can lead to disunity among employees of different racial groups and as such, employees arrange themselves along racial lines when changing shifts and forming teams (Ray, 2001). This is so negative considering that at any one time, there might be no equal number of employees from different racial background. This means a group con taining a mixture of races will work in hatred and disunity. Some could even end up subordinating others. Hatred along racial lines could also spreads from staffs to the inmates where they form gangs whose loyalties are defined by race or ethnicity (Kane, 2001). This has the potential of causing detrimental effects on the prison for example, it can lead to gang violence, riots and physical altercations. Divisions along racial lines may also threaten the security of the prison and everybody else where prison staffs ignore unacceptable actions by done by inmates from their racial or ethnic backgrounds. This means that some individual inmates or group of inmates will have the freedom to oppress fellow inmates or smuggle things in and out of the prison. On the other hand, the other inmates will have little support whenever they voice their concerns. Poor attitudes among prison staff affects how inmates are treated in that some will conservative and hard-lined when dealing with inmates w hereas other will be less strict and liberal. The greatest level of disunity, disagreement and arguments is seen when such attitudes are displayed by employees from various ethnic, racial and gender backgrounds. Poor attitudes a
Friday, January 31, 2020
Mathematics & everyone everyday Essay Example for Free
Mathematics everyone everyday Essay Mathematics is used in the lives of everyone everyday. Whether it is used by engineers designing a machine or by clothes shopper determining how much they will save, all use math and mathematic concepts. Mathematics has also been used for at least seven millennia by many of the early great civilizations. Many of those civilizations became very dependent on the use of math to create their great empires. The importance of math has not diminished since its infant years. Because of its importance how it is presented to students has become equally important. Only 30 years ago most students did not have calculators to aid them in learning. Today, high-tech calculators can carry out extremely complex mathematical equations in a fraction of a second. This has created a debate on whether or not the use of calculator benefit or hurt students. More specifically the debate is about how much use of the calculator should be used in the classroom. There is much debate on the research as to whether it truly helps or hurts students to over use or under use calculators. Much of the debate is based on subjective approaches to the research data as each side is trying to claim as much ground as they can in this debate. Both sides wish the best for the students want to see the students excel. However, they cannot agree on whether the calculators advance their mathematical education. History of Math Mathematics is a concept that has been around since the earliest records of written language. The oldest archeological mathematics discovery was found in Swaziland, Africa where a 170,000 year old Lebombo bone with notches chipped into it (Williams, 2005). These marks seem to indicate days in a month by adding a notch for every day that passes. Unfortunately, much of the history of how math developed is left to interpretation of archeological finds. Some speculate that the designs of monuments and buildings seem to have a geometric understanding, but that is entirely up to interpretation. As civilizations began to emerge two in particular developed complex mathematical systems: the Babylonians and the Egyptians. Around 1850 BC, the Babylonians developed a base-60 system of mathematics. This system seems to be modeled after how the Babylonians viewed time. They divided the day into 24 hours, with each hour having 60 minutes and each minute having 60 seconds. This is the same system that is used to describe modern time. This base-60 model seems more complicated compared to the modern base-10 system, but the Babylonians only had to learn two characters as opposed to learning 10 characters in the base-10 system (St Andrews, 2000). This mathematical system helped sustain one of the most powerful civilizations of the ancient world. The Egyptians also developed their own form of mathematics. They developed a base-10 system around 2700 BC. Part of the Egyptians desire to learn mathematics had to do with understanding time. The annual flooding of the Nile River was a very important event in Egypt. The Nile River was the lifeblood of the entire civilization and its annual flood ensure that the ground would be fertile enough to grow crops. Because of this important event, it became necessary for the Egyptians to find a way to calculate when the annual flooding would occur. Once their mathematical system was born, it was applied to other areas of their civilization, particularly in building. The result can still be seen with the Pyramids. The Greeks took mathematics to a high level along with the Chinese and the Indians. The biggest contribution the Greeks gave to math was removing unknown concepts and applying logic to math. Math and logic have definite similarities in that both have problems with absolute answers. The logic minded Greeks applied these concepts to mathematical principles. However, the Greeks logic limited their use of irrational numbers. This made their form of Algebra somewhat inadequate and some speculate that it set back mathematical progress several centuries (UL, 2008). Both the Chinese and the Indians were able to calculate the formation of pi. However much of early Chinese mathematics was destroyed during the book burning before 202 BC. Much of what as written is speculation based on works written after the burning. The significance of Chinese mathematics is how well it thrived while its western counterparts fell into a dark period. The Indians developed the concepts of trigonometry and would later develop an early form of calculus (Dutta, 2002). With the exception of the Muslims, mathematics entered a dark period. Throughout Europe, math was neglected along with many other sciences. However, in the 12th century, many European scholars sought after scientific texts the Arabs had translated. The created a rebirth in European interests in mathematics. With the Arab texts, the Hindu-Arab numerals were introduced and eventually became the norm of mathematic script. By the time the Renaissance period began, the interest in mathematics exploded. Navigation brought an interest in detailed maps. This spawned a need for trigonometry. From this point forward, math advanced continued to expand. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered both the laws of physics and modern calculus. John Napier developed the concept of decimals which helped replace the limitation of fractions. Since the 17th century, many more development is the field of mathematics has been made. Math is now applied to most fields of science. Scientists have found that math has proven particularly accurate in the fiends of chemistry, astronomy, and physics. Along with reading math has become the foundation of all learning. History of Calculators The earliest form of calculators was known as abacuses. These simple devices helped in the arithmetic calculations. They were often made with a wood frame with beads strung across the frame. Each string would represent a different base unit. One string would represent an individual unit, another 10 units, another 100, and so forth. The Roman and Chinese abacuses were very similar in this respect. So much that some speculate whether the two were developed together through trade. No evidence has been found to support this other than the similarities (Messina, 2008). These early calculators can be found in some places today where technology is not thriving such as rural town in the Far East. The first mechanical calculator was invented in 1623 by William Schickard. He invented a machine called the Calculating Clock that could do simple adding and subtracting up to 999,999. Beyond that, a bell would indicate a numeric overflow error. Although this machine could only add and subtract, John Napier, in 1617, discovered a logarithm that could calculate multiplication and division through adding and subtracting (Smart Computing, 2008). In 1822, Charles Babbage came up with the idea called a difference engine. This mechanic device could store up to seven numbers of 31 characters each. He later developed another model called an analytical engine. This device was steam driven and was around 100 feet by 30 feet in size. This machine could hold 1000 number of 50 digits. All four arithmetic operations plus square roots could be calculated by this machine. Unfortunately, eight years after Babbage died in 1871, the British Association for the Advancement of Science recommended against the machine and thus no government funding would be provided to complete the machine (Stanford, 2008). Other calculator inventions came during the 19th century but it was in the 20th century that the calculator can into its own. Mechanical calculators began to be more prevalent in major suppliers. Two World Wars helped advance calculators through the use of computers and microelectronics. In 1955, IBM introduced the first transistorized calculator (IBM, 2008). Three years later, Casio introduced the first compact calculator. However, it was Texas Instruments in 1967 that introduced what is the predecessor to the modern hand held calculator. By the 1970s, pocket calculators began to enter the market place. First in Japan, these calculators could perform simple computations. The only problem was the calculators were very expensive, a tape display, and its power supply was limited. These problems were fixed through several innovated solutions. First was the Liquid Crystal Display screen, or LCD. The LCD allowed the calculator to display the results on a screen that can change rather than using thermal paper that was both cumbersome and needed constant replacing. Another novel concept was the use of replaceable batteries. This meant the calculator could truly be portable and not limited to an electrical outlet. Over time the power consumption of the calculator was reduced and solar panels were able to power the pocket calculators. This further freed users to use the calculators where ever they needed them. Calculators have now becomes commonplace in homes, businesses, and schools. Calculators have become powerful enough that pocket calculators can now calculate complex algebra and calculus equations in a fraction of a second. Computers and the Internet allow for even more levels of complexity.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Charlies Attempt to Overcome the Past in Fitzgeralds Babylon Revisited :: Babylon Revisited Essays
Charlie's Attempt to Overcome the Past in Fitzgerald's Babylon Revisited Babylon Revisited is made up of different characters with different ideologies in life. The Protagonist, Charlie is a reformed alcoholic who had come back to take his daughter. Marion is Charlie's sister- in - law who dislikes him because she thinks he caused her sister's death. I think Marion is emotionally disturbed. She overacts to things that happen in everyday life. Lincoln is Marion's husband .He tries to keep things as even as possible for Marion. Loraine and Duncan are ghosts from Charlie's past and they came to haunt him at the end of the story. We are always being haunted by our past sins and Misdemeanors. Even when we have been reformed, it takes a similar incident or someone appearing from the past to remind us of what we were before. I think Charlie is a strong Character. He was able to reform himself and stop drinking. This shows that he is strong. His coming back for his daughter proves that he is aware of his Civic responsibilities and he is ready to undertake them. There is a Strong bond between him and his daughter which is definitely a plus on his side. Charlie's journey to Paris to pick up his daughter reminds me of when I visited America. I stayed for one year before I went back for my Children. I had to get to know them again. I can relate to Charlie when he told Honoria "I want to get to Know you" (9).When you stay away from you children for sometime , you feel that they have grown so much and there is so much you don't know about them. Charlie had reasons to mistrust Marion .As Fitzgerald put it " Charlie became increasingly alarmed at leaving Honoria in this atmosphere of hostility against himself; sooner or later, it will come out in a word here, a shake of head there, and some of the distrust will be irrevocably implanted on Honoria"(13). It is not easy to leave your child with some one who you Know definitely does not like you. The father and Daughter bond is a strong bond and if it is destroyed at this early age it can become very difficult to restore it. Marion was very strongly biased against Charlie. Marion was ready to give Honoria back to the father until the appearance of Duncan and Lorraine.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Principles of Personal Development Essay
Standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Codes of Practice set out the criteria against which providers are assessed by. They also describe the standards of conduct and practice with which workers must carry out their activities and ensure that what they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants’ ‘ï ¬ tness to practice’ is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they deem ï ¬ t. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the register and no longer allowed to work in that role. Reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop own knowledge and skills. Reflection on your own practice is important because it allows you to assess what you are doing well, identify areas where you might like or maybe need more training or guidance in to ensure you are performing to the best you can, and are meeting all standards and expectations within the elderly house policies and procedures. Reflecting on your practice can enhance and improve your confidence and self esteem because you can look at what you are doing well, the things you have learnt and achieved and feel good about yourself especially if you have done something with ease that you used to find difficult, if you have done something you never did well in or something that you have never tried before. This then gives you confidence to continue working well and to aim to try other new things or to use what new skills or knowledge you have gained in your practices. During the activity you improve you learning by asking you supervisor/senior. You learn from others people strategies. Find ways to reflect your self in your activity. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. It is a learning tool that will help us improve our skill and develop our knowledge and practice. Also it is important to find your strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop and improve on them, so you can make your weakness your strengths. Reflecting on your self is a complex activity that requires the individual to develop a set of skills. When you reflect you stand back and think of a situation or problem, gain a new perspective of something, make sense of our experiences and construct meaning and knowledge that directs actions in practice. Use evidence to help decide on decisions. Ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. The best way to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs don’t obstruct the quality of work is to be dedicated to excellence. Personal attitudes can be changed through education. That is an important way. It helps to develop a good work ethic. How learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding. How a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding. The more you think and plan, the better you can do. Think things all the way through to a successful conclusion. Improving improved own knowledge, skills and understanding by reflecting on a situation I don’t have a situation that I really want to share, but I spend a great deal of time reflecting on life from various perspectives from the logical/intellectual to the mystical/muse. The two quotes below are on a list that I keep in my desk. They remind me why I must make time, even if it appears I’m doing something else, to reflect. * â€Å"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!†― Dr. Seuss * â€Å"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.†― Albert Einstein Feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding The example is comments, critics, suggestions. If someone know what to do to this feedback, that person already know what to do next. That was a development by feedback How a personal development plan can contribute to own learning and development Definition of personal development plan Personal development planning (PDP) is the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement. Who can be involved in the PDP process Typically, each employee’s line manager should be responsible for the individual employee’s PDP. * Managers may need appropriate training to ensure they can manage PDPs effectively. Developing these skills can be built into the manager’s own PDP. * The most senior employees – and those whose performance has the most impact on the performance of the business – may benefit from an external mentor Sources of support for own learning and development There are many sources of support that you can access and many different ways that you can help yourself, when developing your practice. The appraisal or supervision system in your workplace can be a good starting point. This will help you to identify areas of your practice that need to be developed, and to plan to use opportunities for training and development. Some employers provide appraisal at six-monthly or 12-monthly intervals, but supervision should be at least once a month. This gives you a good opportunity to use the experience and knowledge of your supervisor to help you plan how to move forward in your practice. Benefits of using PDP to identify ongoing improvements in own knowledge and understanding Some advantages of taking a personal development approach to your work are: Gaining a clearer focus to your learning. Helping to keep yourself motivated. A better understanding of how you learn and how to improve your performance. More enjoyment and less stress from your learning as you become consciously skilled. More awareness of how to apply your learning to new problems and contexts.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
pai discovery Essay - 895 Words
In the movie, Whale Rider, there are great examples of Joseph Campbell’s article, Four Functions of Myth, which are: mystical myth, cosmological myth, social myth, and psychological myth. In the film, Whale Rider, Pai discovers her sense of self as she reinvents the Maori tribe’s creation myth to save the dying culture. The mystical myth in Whale Rider would be when she rode the whale. Pai is suppose to be the new chief in town, however, her grandfather, Koro, does not think a girl should be chief because he believes it will break tradition. Pai’s grandfather would always talk to the whales to get some help and advice from them, which are said to be their ancestors. The community was breaking apart and Koro was aware of it; that’s†¦show more content†¦When I was born, my twin brother died and took our mother with him†(Whale). This shows that the grandfather had no joy when Pai was born because all he wanted was the boy so he could choose hi m to be the next chief, according to the tradition. Afterward, when Pai eventually became the first female leader of the tribe, the entire community changed. In the Maori tribe, the men had their place and the women had their place. Everybody in the community had their role to follow. The sociological myth of this movie was that everybody had a way of living; they had sets of rules to follow. This is what made the community and tribe be the way it was. The one person who actually tried to follow all of the laws and roles was Koro. He was the chief of the community and he had to show that he was by taking command and by influencing the younger people. Koro was the only one who continued to follow the tradition, that is, until he broke it by trying to find a male to be the next chief in town. He wasn’t supposed to go out and try to find one, he was supposed to choose the next child that his son would have. The psychological part of this film is when she wanted to show her grand father that she can be the next chief in town, even if she is a female. She was trying to show her grandfather that gender does not matter in order to be a chief. Pai really valued the community. When she was about to leave with her father she heard the whalesShow MoreRelatedEssay On Venous Insufficiency1279 Words  | 6 Pagesstretch (5 to 10 dynes/cm2 rather than 20 to 30). This hinders mechano-transduction, the endothelium activity, opens ionic channels, diminishes its nitric oxide (NO) generation, builds that of endothelin 1 (ET1) and of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1). The endothelium in these locales produces cytokines and development factors, and communicates adhesion molecules. 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