Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Brief Note On The Red Cross Health Services - 876 Words
â€Å"Is is really a great pleasure to work and know that I made a difference in someone s life,†Kari Wheeling said. She is the Oahu Red Cross Health Services Lead, which means that she volunteers as a registered nurse (RN) with the Red Cross. The volunteer nurses of the Red Cross get involved in time of a disaster. The most typical assignment is to respond to house fires. â€Å"We help the families to recover any medications that they ve lost or any medical equipment. It could be a wheelchair, a walker, a cane, glasses, dentures or anything in that nature. We try to get the family back on its feet and receiving the medications it needs,†Wheeling said. The main reason why Wheeling like the work so much is that she enjoys working with the community, and this way she gets to combine her medical experience with public health. â€Å"It really does impact the lives of these families that we work with. They are so appreciative that they have someone that they can call, someone that they can talk to in that time of need. Just being able to interact in a very short period of time with that family makes a huge difference in their lives. It provides such a joy and gratitude within myself that I m able to help a family and they re able to move on. They can get past this disaster without having it consume their lives,†she said. Without the health service volunteers it would be harder for victims to get back to their normal lives after for example a house fire. When Wheeling or one of theShow MoreRelated Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Essay1633 Words  | 7 Pagestoo often, and when they do, they dont last very long. However, the United States Health and Human Services Department (1998) estimates there is about 3.2 million Americans that suffer from a psychological anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). 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In this paper, I will demonstrate the Taliban’s remaining effects in Afghan society regarding many aspects of everyday life, such as the workforce, education, healthcare, and human rights. To begin, I will give a brief overview of how Afghan women participated in society before the Taliban came to power. I will then provide information and examples that shed light on women’s life during Taliban rule. In the final section of this paper, I will describe how the lifestyleRead MoreGangs of New York by Herbert Asbury Essay3497 Words  | 14 Pagesby Lew Baker. The real William did not have a glass eye with an eagle on it and did not directly kill anyone although he may have maimed a few men. He resided in a nice little brownstone on Christopher Street (outside of the Five Points) and for a brief p eriod, owned his own saloon, on the corner of Howard and Broadway. For more information on Williams background, click on William Pooles background (Bill The Butcher). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racism, Ignorance, And Discrimination - 1143 Words
When I was eight years old, I had a firsthand experience of racism that to this day gives me a grotesque feeling. A drunk man came up to my family and proceeded to shout derogative words at us. He yelled at us to â€Å"Go back your country you terrorist†. He commenced to say other things, yet what caught my attention was that he thought that we were Muslims. Another encounter with this man lead to him telling his son that â€Å"we are not of his kind and he should not play with us†. When we are children a majority of us are taught to respect other races and cultures. In school, we are taught that diversity is a superb thing that makes us cultured. Children have a naà ¯ve nature that protects them from all the animosity set by our society. We are all granted the same privilege in this country, nevertheless there are still people that are blinded by ignorance. The only way to combat ignorance of supremacy is to educate children about the past, and have diverse school set tings. Compellingly, in practically all schools the topic of racism is notably prevalent. They begin to teach kids not to believe that they are superior to other people and that they are the same regardless of race. As kids move on to the higher grades, schools begin to implore the use of graphic images of racism to absolutely ingrain it in their minds of the horror of it. Morris describes graphic images such as â€Å"pictures of black babies, naked and crying and left out in the elements. The title at the bottom of theShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination Against Minorities And Immigrants1090 Words  | 5 PagesOthers come alone with nothing but determination. Racial discrimination against minorities and immigrants is an underlying problem here in America today. Racism is seen in our daily lives when people are discriminated against because of their race and ethnicity. Racism attacks the right to a person’s well-being on the basis of something they have no control over. They cannot change nor should want to change who they are. Racial discrimination is not as bad as it was fifty years ago, but it still aRead MoreExamples Of Racism In A Raisin In The Sun1672 Words  | 7 PagesAfrican-Americans have experienced racism since the 1600s and throughout American history. However, not many books have been able to display the ethnic ignorance that white people have towards blacks. One of the more successful stories is A Raisin in the Sun shares a compelling story about an African-American family during the 1900s and offers many themes about social class and race. In A Raisin in the Sun, a negative legacy is left on modern drama due to the many examples of poverty and the messageRead MoreThe International Journal Of Intercultural Relations1530 Words  | 7 PagesModern racism is not always so easy to identify, even in the smaller context of the UC campus. It has many sub-categories. It can be intrinsic, extrinsic, real likes and dislikes, familiar an d unfamiliar, symbolic, tokenism, arms-length, red-neck and so much more. Each of these attitudes have different causes like fear, distaste and racial arrogance. These different types of racism also have different modes of expression which can include positive social interactions with diverse individuals. (BaldwinRead MoreThe Universal Facts Of Discrimination1282 Words  | 6 Pageswant to create harm and destruction. (Frank P.239) The universal facts of discrimination make itself apparent from seeing an example of Frank’s commentary in Ruth McBride’s own life across the world. This want to cause harm described by Frank is also seen in Wright’s Native son, When Bigger comes across the Buckley Re-election poster with the large letters saying, â€Å"You Can’t Win†symbolizes the government’s discrimination against minorities even though it was created to protect the citizens of AmericaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Remember The Titans 1538 Words  | 7 Pagesdemonstrate an appalling hatred for each other. Buses and tables are racially segregated in order to suit the circumstances given the struggle of both racial groups with one another. Players look and treat each other with revulsion, arrogance and ignorance. Contact and a relation with another race are beheld as a crime morally and ethically. Ironically, African American’s also do not to want to assimilate cultures with whites mainly because of the treatment given against them and the unwelcoming emotionsRead MoreRemember The Titans Is A Classic Movie1567 Words  |à ‚ 7 Pagesappalling hatred for each other. Busses and tables are racially segregated in order to suit the circumstances given the struggle of both racial groups with one another. Players look and treat each other with no respect whatsoever, arrogance and ignorance. Contact and a relation with another race are viewed as a crime morally and ethically. In many scenes of this movie, whenever an African American is in the same room as a Caucasian, the look on that Caucasian’s face is one of disgust. IronicallyRead MorePrejudice Is A Hostile Or Negative Attitude Toward People898 Words  | 4 Pagesfor individuals. The affective component involve the emotional/judgmental aspect of prejudice. It is based only on group membership and is typically negative. It is exhibited in fear, envy, pity, or disgust. The behavioral component consists of discrimination, which is when people are treated differently only because of their social group. I think fear is the most displayed emotion of prejudice, in regards to race and beliefs. People have developed this notion that all Muslims should be feared asRead MoreAnalysis Of Tears We Cannot Stop By Michael Eric Dyson1168 Words  | 5 Pagesof a pastor. Dyson preaches to white American about the ignorance white Americans have about racism towards the black community. This racism is deep-seeded in America’s history and has been perpetuated by white innocence, white privilege, and a refusal to learn, despite rebuttal claims that racism is dead in America by white folk. Dyson put forward the idea that racism is not just calling a black person the â€Å"n†word, blatant discrimination, or cops unjustly shooting and killing blacks, but is alsoRead MoreAnalysis of Song Lyrics1604 Words  | 7 Pagessoldiers shot and killed unarmed civil rights protestor in 1972, presenting themes of unity, ignorance and indifference. Meanwhile, Bob Dylan’s protest song Hu rricane tells the story of the imprisonment of celebrated boxer Rubin â€Å"Hurricane†Carter, who was falsely accused of a triple murder in New Jersey, America during the mid 1960s. The song lyric explores themes of injustice, racism and discrimination, enlightening listeners about the corruption that swarmed the democratic American legal systemRead MoreWhat Does Racism Actually Mean? Essay1050 Words  | 5 PagesNo one is born racist! Racism is something learned. We aren’t necessarily taught to discriminate, however naively we learn that there are different kinds of people. By no means am I saying that all people are racist or that everyone has the same beliefs. It’s just that the older we get we come to learn that even if we don’t agree with racism it’s a very big issue around the world. My question is â€Å"what does racism actually mean?†While some believe that superiority, whiteness, and overall white supremacy
Magnesium Essay Paper Example For Students
Magnesium Essay Paper Magnesium is one of the alkaline-earth metals of main group IIa in the periodic table. Magnesium is a grayish-white metal. Normally magnesium is covered with a layer of oxide, MgO,that protects magnesium from air and water. Magnesium is an important element for plant andanimal life. Chlorophylls depend greatly on it.Sir Humphrey Davy discovered magnesium in 1775at England. It was dicovered when he evaporated magnesium amalgam by mixing a moistmagnesia and mercuric oxide. The meaning of the name comes from a Greek word Magnesia. Properties of pure magnesium:Atomic number 12Atomic mass 24.31 Colour Silvery grey metal Density1.738 -3 at 20C 1.58 at 650RC (1) Melting point 650C Boiling point 1103C Crystal structure close-packed hexagonal Heat of combustion25020 -1 Flame temperature~2800C Heat of fusion368 Heat of vaporisation5272 Specific heat1025 J.K at 20C Vapour pressure 20 Pa at 527C(s) 360 Pa at 650C (1) 1400 Pa at 727C Valence statesMg2+ Viscosity 1.25 cp at 650C (1) The magnesium element has the atomic number of 12 and atomic weight of 24.3050. Itssymbol is Mg. The group number that mg is in is group 2a. Its electronic configuration ofNe.3 s2. Physical dataStandard state: solid at 298 KColour: silvery whiteDensity of solid at ambient temperature/kg m-3: 1738Molar volume/cm3: 14.00 Table on isotopes:Nominal mass Accurate mass%natural abundance 24Mg23.9850423 (8)78.99 (3)25Mg24.9858374 (8)10.00 (1)26Mg25.9825937 (8)11.01 (2)Magnesium is the 6th most abundant element metal on the surface of the earth at about 2.5%of its composition. Sea water contains 0.13% Mg and some facilities use the magnesium for theproduction of magnesium metal. This happens when the precipitation of other salts leave amagnesium-rich brine. Other sources are dolomite ((CaMg)CO3) and magnesite (MgCO3). Magnesite also produces magnesium oxide which are used for the making of refractories. Magnesium oxide, MgO, is the second most common compounds in the earths crust, secondonly to silicon dioxide, or beach sand. In seawater, the magnesium compound is magnesiumchloride, MgCl2. The chloride is taken from seawater and is used in the electrolysis process tomanufacture magnesium metal. When seawater is not available, magesium can be found fromminerals such as dolomite (CaCO3.MgCO3) and carnallite (KCl.MgCl2.6H2O). Magnesium is an active metal. Magnesium burns easily in air, making a bright white light. Magnesium is an important element for improving the working characteristics of aluminum andzinc. It makes them easier to roll and machine. Magnesium is also flammable at temperaturescharacteristic of burning gasoline so its use as a structural metal is limited. Insoluble magnesiumcarbonate and magnesium sulfate, together with insoluble calcium compounds occur in hardwater. These compounds are observed as scales in pipes and boilers. However, magnesium is animportant catalyst in organic reactions. Magnesium compunds include: magnesium chloride, MgCl2, which is used in the preparation of cotton fabrics.-magnesium bicarbonate, Mg(HCO3)2, which is produced in solution when water containingcarbon dioxide dissolves magnesium carbonate. It is a cause of hardness in water. -magnesium oxide, MgO, which is used for as lining for glass. -magnesium peroxide, Mg2O2, which is used as a bleach for dyes and silks. Electron Configuration:
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